About Us

Hello, I'm Mitch, the owner and inventor of the TRT Vault. Since starting TRT a few years ago, my life has seen a remarkable improvement. I've gained more energy, drive, and focus than ever before. However, injection days were always a source of frustration. The disorganization of my supplies made the process tedious. While I thrive on order in most aspects of my life, I struggled to find a suitable system for my TRT supplies. I experimented with various solutions, from plastic baggies to repurposed cases, but nothing quite met my needs. Frustrated, I often resorted to tossing everything into a drawer, much to my wife's dismay!

Drawing from my background in CNC machining racecar parts, I decided to design and craft my own TRT organizer from aluminum. After numerous iterations, I settled on what I believed was a solid design. The positive feedback from friends and family on TRT inspired me to launch a Kickstarter campaign. The support and constructive criticism we received during the campaign were invaluable. With the funding secured, we embarked on a complete redesign based on the feedback received.

The result? A truly enjoyable experience. We owe a debt of gratitude to our supporters who pushed us to deliver the best possible product. Now, our mission with TRT Vaults is to enhance as many routines as possible. TRT is a lifelong commitment, and we want to ensure that everyone's experience is significantly improved over the long run. With your continued support, I'm confident we'll continue to make a positive impact. Thank you for being part of this journey!